Good blue
True blue - someone loyal and faithful
Out of the blue - unexpected (could be positive or negative)
Blue ribbon - first rate, top prize
Blueblood - person of noble birth, royalty
Bluestocking - well-read or scholarly woman
Bluebook - register of socially prominent people
The Blues (capitalized) - popular style of music sometimes characterized by melancholy melodies and words
Baby blues - Blue eyes (also see Bad blue words)
Bad blue
Feeling blue - feeling sad or depressed
Blue devils - feelings of depression
The blues (not capitalized) - depression, state of sadness
Blue Monday - feeling sad
Baby blues - post-partum depression
Singing the blues - bemoaning one's circumstances
Blue laws - laws originally intended to enforce certain moral standards
Blue language - profanity
Bluenose - puritanical individual
Into the blue - entering the unknown or escape to parts unknown
Out of the blue - unexpected (could be positive or negative)